This Years Championships will be held in the Czech Replublic.

2025 | Cadet World Championship 2025, Lake Lipno, Czech Republic

Venue and location: Cerná Yacht Club, Jachetni Klub Cerná v Pošumavi, Cerná v Pošumavi 183, 382 26 Cerná v Pošumavi, Czech Republic
Dates: 1 – 8 August 2025
(includes 2 measurement days, practice race and reserve day)
Website: Cadet2025
Facebook: CadetWorldChampionship

With last years championships being such a HUGE success, it is now time to help promote and support our team for the 2025 championship.

 Last years championship was held in Plymouth. – With outstanding results achieved.

Teams from across the world headed to Plymouth, being one of the most historic and important naval towns in the UK,  for the Cadet World Championship this summer  on the 3rd to 10th August 2024. 

The event saw teams of young people aged from seven to seventeen, competing over the full week of exciting sailing where 1 team was crowned world champion.

The Royal Geelong Yacht Club was proudly represented for this upcoming Championship with 6 junior sailors taking part in the event and all competing highly in the top tier of winners, with one team taking out the world championships.

With over 200 sailors taking part, competitors traveled from as far as Australia and Argentina, along with countries from around Europe, such as Germany, Belgium, Ukraine & Poland just to name a few.

It was a fantastic opportunity for our sailors to showcase their skills on the world stage and prove themselves world winners.

To help support our representative team of sailors for the upcoming championships in Argentina and Holland over the coming years, you can click on the image tile above to donate and assist in getting them there and competing on the world stage!