Statement of Purposes

The name of the incorporated association is RGYC Foundation Incorporated (“the Foundation”)
The purposes for which the Foundation is formed are to assist the Royal Geelong Yacht Club (“RGYC”) to maintain, improve and develop the sport of sailing and  in particular –

1. to attract and retain for RGYC the continuing interest and financial support of the community at large;

2. to attract and encourage donations, gifts, bequests, endowment, trusts and other forms of financial assistance to or for the benefit of RGYC;

3. to raise finance for the acquisition and maintenance of plant and equipment, land and building and other facilities for use by RGYC and its members;

4. to establish and administer trusts and funds for educational and charitable purposes associated with the promotion and participation in the sport of sailing in the greater Geelong community;

5. to provide financial assistance for any educational programmes conducted or participated in by RGYC;

6. to provide financial assistance to aid members of RGYC to compete in local, state, national and international yachting events;

7. to disseminate, whether by written publication or otherwise, information and material of any nature whatsoever relating to RGYC and its activities, needs and objectives;

8. to widen knowledge, understanding and appreciation of RGYC and its activities, need and objectives in the community at large.